Tripod is a strange beast. On the one hand they tour the world standing in a line singing unrelated funny songs on a stage: concert mode. On the other hand they focus their various talents toward a tourable ‘production’, of sorts, combining theatre, improvisation and music to create something…well, different. On the third hand they make albums and TV. Below is a list of shows, from newest to oldest, spanning Tripod’s long and illustrious career.

Spotted Mallard

Oct 2019 - Mar 2020

Back to basics. Re-imagining the kinds of gigs that propelled the group to begin with. A monthly Sunday residency at Melbourne’s Spotted Mallard. Good times.

MSO Classic Kids Programme featuring Tripod


Suitable for kids aged 5–12 and their adults, Tripod, together with Associate Conductor, Benjamin Northey, re-imagine Leonard Bernstein’s famous Humour in Music ‘lecture’ with the incredible MSO.

101 Tripod Hits


We’re playing tunes from the songbook as dictated by a bingo ball. A nailbiting show of randomnity.

This Gaming Life


Tripod, award-winning composer Austin Wintory and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s love letter to gamers and all who put up with them. Dream come true sorta stuff.

Perfect Tripod


Tripod are joined by Aussie showbiz legend, Eddie Perfect, to form an a capella super group that toured around Australia belting out a swag of Australian songs. It was bloody Aussie-as.

Men of Substance


Tripod return to cabaret mode as they come to terms with adult life. Can you balance grown-up responsibilities whilst getting paid to act like a child? You bet. The show coincided with the release of Tripod’s latest studio album of the same name.

Tripod vs The Dragon


Tripod’s most ambitious theatre production to date. Directed by Neill Gladwin and joined onstage by the incredible Elana Stone, Tripod create the largest world possible, exploiting the simplest of props, to tell an epic musical adventure inspired by Scod’s love of Dungeons and Dragons(tm).

Idioclips – MICF


Tripod encourage young film makers to create music videos that are to be screened whilst the boys perform the songs live. Winners were decided by the audience. So fun.



Some of Tripod’s biggest shows in the country’s largest venues with guests. Supported by the likes of Die Rotten Punkte, The Beards and Kristen Shaal.

How To Train an Attack Dog From Scratch – MICF


Tripod go against fan expectations to tell the long and sometimes sordid story of famous comedy songs and those who sang them. Over-researched and completely unnecessary, this made-up history lecture proved to be the show nobody asked for but still talk about to his day.

Tripod Are Self Saucing


Tripod in classic concert configuration touring the album of the same name.

Lady Robots v1.1


The boys revive and re-stage their science fiction Opus. The show was never recorded but remains one of Tripod’s favourite shows.



Tripod tour a selection of songs from sketch comedy program Skithouse and release Middleborough Rd, an album of fully-fleshed-out Skithouse favourites.

Tripod Are Tripod


The boys go back to their roots, playing whatever they want, drawing from seven years of material.

Lady Robots


The boys tread the boards again with a musical Space Opera like no other. Alan Brough returns to direct and co-write.

Tripod Tell the Tale of Tosswinkle the Pirate (not very well)


Tripod become theatre darlings staging a short pirate story but taking 70 minutes to tell it. Directed by Alan Brough.



Tripod go from strange pub oddity to fully-fledged comedy band and for the first four years of Comedy Festivals combine sketches, songs, musical mash-ups and whatever else they find amusing to an occasionally bewildered but loyal audience. Some refer to these times as Pod August Nights..